30th Anniversary Rocketeer Event
Come and experience a 30th Anniversary Screening of the Rocketeer, in one of the film's original sets!
Join us on Saturday, November 13, 2021, at the Santa Maria Museum of Flight, housed in the original hangar set used in the film.
Event will be held at: 3015 Airpark Dr, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Doors Open at 5PM
Screening is at 7PM
All tickets include the screening, a museum tour, a Prime Rib dinner, and one drink ticket.
General Admission Tickets ($40)
Sponsorship Levels
Diamond Level Sponsorship $2,000.00 Donation
★ Eight tickets to our event ($320 value).
★ Your business and logo featured as a Diamond Sponsor in all our Radio, Social Media Ads, and Press Releases ($1,500 value),
★ Display your Banner at the Santa Maria Museum of Flight for one year ($1,000 value)
★ Eight annual memberships to the Santa Maria Museum of Flight ($800 value)
Gold Level Sponsorship $1,000.00 Donation
★ Six tickets to our event ($240 value).
★ Your business and logo featured as a Gold Sponsor in all our Social Media Ads, and Press Releases ($1,000 value),
★ Display your Banner at the Santa Maria Museum of Flight for one year ($1,000 value)
★ Six annual memberships to the Santa Maria Museum of Flight ($600 value)
Silver Level Sponsorship $500.00 donation
★ Four tickets to our event ($160 value).
★ Display your Banner at the Santa Maria Museum of Flight for one year ($1,000 value)
★ Four annual memberships to the Santa Maria Museum of Flight ($400 value)
Friend of the Museum Level Sponsorship $250.00 donation
★ Four tickets to our event ($160 value).
★ Four annual memberships to the Santa Maria Museum of Flight ($400 value)